General information

The 19th annual Social Simulation Conference (SSC 2024) will take place from 16th to 20th September 2024 at the Cracow University of Economics, Poland. The conference is one of the key activities of the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA), aimed at promoting social simulation and computational social science in Europe and elsewhere. The conference will be held in hybrid form: in person and online.

Cracow is relatively large city (around 800 thousands inhabitants) in the south of Poland. Cracow can easily be accessed by plane (international Airport Balice, close to Cracow) and has good railway connections, e.g. 2h20m train to Warsaw. Cracow is also the historical capital of Poland, therefore it has: historical, medieval city center, old Jewish district Kazimierz, Wawel castle and many other touristic attractions. Krakow his well-known for the hospitality of its residents, its friendly atmosphere and its rich tourist offer. In 2022, 8.4 million people visited Krakow, 500,000 of whom were foreign tourists and one-day visitors.

This year’s special theme will be “Social Simulation – crossroads between social science and computational methods”, focused on modelling of social phenomena, computational aspects and the theory linking these  two scientific fields.

The call for papers will be sent in January together with the further information on the conference.

We hope to see you in Kraków!


SSC 2024 seeks submissions for the following:

Long paper (10-12 pages, excluding references – long oral presentations, will be included in the post-proceedings)

Short paper (6-9 pages, excluding references – short oral presentations, will be included in the post-proceedings)

Extended abstract (3-4 pages, excluding references – short oral presentations, will not be included in the post-proceedings)

Poster abstract (300-500 words, will not be included in the post-proceedings)

All submissions have to be formatted using the Springer templates for conference proceedings:

Latex template        Word template

Please follow the Conference Proceedings guidelines.

Submissions will be handled through EasyChair

Important dates

Important dates:

Poster abstract, Extended Abstract, Long Paper and Short paper  — New Submission Deadline:

22 May 2024

Poster Abstract, Extended Abstract, Long Paper and Short paper  — Notification of Acceptance:

30 June 2024

Poster Abstract, Extended Abstract, Long Paper and Short paper  — Final Version Submission:

5 September 2024

Registration open: beginning of July

Specific information

SSC 2024 seeks high-quality submissions addressing original research in the domain of social simulation and computational social science. All work must be original, i.e. must not have appeared in conference proceedings, books or journals, and must not be under review for other archival conferences, books  or journals.

All accepted papers will be considered for publication in the proceedings (the Organizing Committee is in contact with Springer), unless the author(s) choose(s) otherwise. A final review process will take place to decide on acceptance for inclusion in the post-proceedings. Additionally, a selection of the best full papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in JASSS (upon further review by the journal referees but with a special peer review track involving also some referees already reviewing the same papers at the conference).

Posters will be displayed over the entire conference period and will be presented during a dedicated session.

At least one of the authors of each submission is required to register, attend, and present the poster/paper at the conference.

The conference topics include, but are not limited to, the list at the bottom of this CfP. Unlisted but related topics are also acceptable, provided that they lie within the domain of Social Simulation.

Please submit a PDF file with your submission and the source files (MS word file, relevant latex files compressed into one zip file or a single latex file). Please make sure that the PDF file with your submission is fully anonymised as it will undergo a double-blind review process. The source files do not need to be anonymised

When submitting a full paper please or extended abstract you may also select the relevant special track you would like to submit your paper to.

When submitting a full paper please select whether you would like to have your paper considered for Conference proceeding or/and for JASSS


ESSA@work stands for discussing work-in-progress. It is a workshop concept where any modeller can receive and give support on simulation work-in-progress while being part of a self-organising group. ESSA@work aims to create space for in-depth discussions and to enable participants to gain concrete answers to their questions.

The ESSA@work special track invites participants to present a model-in-progress to gather feedback and suggestions to improve, adapt and/or extend their model. The model can be at any stage of development, however, it should have been at least partially explored by authors. Participants  should prepare clear and concise questions/problems that they are struggling with. These questions must be submitted ahead of time to allow for the preparation of feedback. Feedback to participants comes from three different sources: two expert modellers, their co-presenters, and the audience. The audience is invited to serve as ad-hoc experts by joining the expert panel in a fish-bowl set-up. In the feedback process, emphasis is placed on constructive exploration of possible solutions to the problems raised by the participants.

Submit either a full paper, short paper or an extended abstract to the conference. Submissions can be flagged to be presented as ESSA@work during the submission stage of your conference contribution (extended abstract or paper). When submitting your work please select essa@wokr special track.

More details

Special Tracks

Special tracks will be held in parallel during the conference. A special track consists of a group of papers in a sub-area of the larger domain of social simulation and computational social science. All papers will go through a reviewing process on EasyChair and will be assigned to special tracks if there is a match. A successful special track will consist of at least 2-3 extended abstracts and/or full papers.

More detail about Special tracks


Workshops are aimed at offering a wide perspective on social simulation by means of a “hands-on” approach. The topic of the workshop can be: a) disciplinary (thematic, e.g. sustainability, or methodological, e.g. introduction to Repast); b) career development (e.g. how to succeed in publishing in the social simulation domain).

More detail about Workshops


List of Conference Topics

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Applications of agent-based modelling in social sciences
    • Agent-based computational economics & finance
    • Conflict resolution & cooperation
    • Coupled human-natural systems
    • Diffusion of innovations
    • Dynamics of trust, social norm, structures, reputation & opinion
    • Epidemiology & pharma-economics
    • Group decisions & collective behaviours
    • Market design, mechanism design & auctions
    • Privacy, safety & security
    • Public policy & regulatory issues
    • Resource management, environmental practices & policy
    • Social emergence & evolution of institutions
    • Social media and volunteered information
    • Social networks and their dynamics
  • Computational methods and tools for development of simulation models
    • Advanced distributed computing
    • Agent ontologies
    • Agent-embodied Artificial Intelligence
    • Model replication, verification & validation
    • Participatory & Human-in-the-Loop simulations
    • Simulation software & programming computational frameworks
    • Coupling simulations and optimization methods
    • Data analysis software for simulations
    • Experiment design and data farming for simulations
    • Simulation metamodels
    • Statistical & data mining techniques for simulated data

Special tracks

The details can be found at: Special tracks

Programme Committee

Committee Chairs:

Marcin Czupryna – Cracow University of Economics

Bogumił Kamiński – SGH – Warsaw School of Economics

Harko Verhagen – Stockholm University

Members of the Program Committee:

Diana Francisca Adamatti – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Petra Ahrweiler – Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Fred Amblard – IRIT – University Toulouse 1 Capitole

Patrycja Antosz –  NORCE Norwegian Research Center AS

Jennifer Badham – Durham University

Federico Bianchi – University of Milan

Daniel Birks – University of Leeds

Riccardo Boero – NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research

Melania Borit – University of Tromsø

Dino Carpentras – University of Limerick

Brian Castellani – Durham University

Emile Chappin – Delft University of Technology

Kevin Chapuis – UMI 228 ESPACE-DEV – IRD – Montpellier

Edmund Chattoe-Brown – University of Leicester

Cristina Chueca Del Cerro –  Durham University

Marco Cremonini – University of Milan

Andrew Crooks – University at Buffalo

Paul Davidsson –  Malmö University

Natalie Davis – Lancaster University

Guillaume Deffuant – Cemagref

Frank Dignum – Umeå University

Bruce Edmonds – Manchester Metropolitan University Business School

Tatiana Filatova – TU Delft

Andreas Flache – ICS University of Groningen

Christopher Frantz – Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Simone Gabbriellini – Manent.AI | GECS

Cesar Garcia-Diaz – Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Amineh Ghorbani – Delft University of Technology

Francesca Giardini – University of Groningen

Nigel Gilbert – University of Surrey

Umberto Gostoli – University of Glasgow

Rainer Hegselmann – Bayreuth University

Gertjan Hofstede – Wageningen University

Sascha Holzhauer – Universität Kassel

Sylvie Huet – Inrae

Luis R. Izquierdo – University of Burgos

Wander Jager –  University of Groningen

Christian Kammler –  Umeå University

Andreas Koch –  University of Salzburg

Friedrich Krebs –  University Kassel

Stephan Leitner –  University of Klagenfurt

Fabian Lorig –  Malmö University

Pablo Lucas – University College Dublin

Sara Mehryar – London School of Economics

Ruth Meyer – Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst Mach Institute (EMI)

Martin Neumann – University of Southern Denmark

Leila Niamir – International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Isamu Okada –  Soka University

Paweł Oleksy –  Cracow University of Economics

Jonathan Ozik – Argonne National Laboratory and The University of Chicago

Mario Paolucci –  Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, CNR

Cezara Pastrav – Umeå University

Nicolas Payette – University of Oxford

Gary Polhill –  The James Hutton Institute

Michael Roos –  Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Juliette Rouchier – Dauphine

Jordi Sabater Mir – IIIA-CSIC

Geeske Scholz – University of Osnabrück

Davide Secchi –  University of Southern Denmark

Roman Seidl – Leibniz University

Peer-Olaf Siebers – University of Nottingham

Eric Silverman – University of Glasgow

Flaminio Squazzoni – University of Milan

Karolina Szafażyńska –  Warsaw University

Aron Szekely – Collegio Carlo Alberto

Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron – Wroclaw University of Technology

Przemyslaw Szufel – Warsaw School of Economics

Jason Thompson – The University of Melbourne

Klaus Troitzsch –  University of Koblenz-Landau

Loïs Vanhée – Umeå University

Friederike Wall – Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt

Nanda Wijermans – Stockholm University

Hang Xiong – Huazhong Agricultural University


Local Organising Committee

Committee Chair:

Marcin Czupryna (Cracow University of Economics)

Committee Members: 

Bogumił Kamiński (SGH – Warsaw School of Economics)

Anna Doś (Cracow University of Economics)

Maciej Jagódka (Cracow University of Economics)

Oleksij Kelebaj  (Cracow University of Economics)

Agnieszka Kluczewska (Cracow University of Economics)

Paweł Oleksy (Cracow University of Economics)

Marcin M. Rychlak (Cracow University of Economics)


Local organising committee contact:

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