Short introduction to the Gama platform


Kevin Chapuis, Fellow researcher, UMR 228 Espace-Dev, IRD, Montpellier, France

Arnaud Grignard, Research engineer, IRD, UMI 209 UMMISCO, Paris, France


GAMA is an easy-to-use open source modeling and simulation environment for
creating spatially explicit agent-based simulations. It has been developed to be used in
any application domain (e.g. urban mobility & planning, climate change adaptation,
epidemiology, disaster evacuation strategy design) and with any ABM approach,
including participatory modeling and data intensive simulation.

The generality of the agent-based approach advocated by GAMA is accompanied by a
high degree of openness, which is manifested, for example, in the development of
plugins designed to meet specific needs, or by the possibility of calling GAMA from
other software or languages (such as R or Python). This openness allows the more than
2000 users of GAMA to use it for a wide variety of purposes: scientific simulation,
scenario exploration and visualization, negotiation support, serious games, mediation or
communication tools, the possibilities are endless.

During this 3h-workshop you will be introduced to the platform, the dedicated language
called Gaml and its resources (online documentation, tutorials and more) to help you
start your project powered by Gama. The latest version, labeled 1.9.3, will be used
(downloaded) and a model of urban mobility & planning will support the training based
on Gaml reusable building blocks.

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