Qual2Rule Workshop: Using qualitative data to inform behavioural rules in agent-based models


Melania Borit, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway

Christopher Frantz, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Ruth Meyer, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK and Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics,

Ernst-Mach-Institut EMI, Germany

With support from the ESSA Special Interest Group Qual2Rule.


Qualitative evidence (e.g., texts gained from transcribing interviews with or observations of people) is a suitable source for giving clues as to the in-context behaviour of individuals. As such, it is a natural source for informing the specification of corresponding agent behaviour within simulations. However, how to use this evidence to inform these behavioural rules (i.e., a qual2rule methodology) is not straight forward. During this workshop the participants will be introduced to the most developed qual2rule methods that the organises of the event identified through a systematic literature review. A general qual2rule process will also be discussed. Participants are encouraged to bring examples of qual2rule methods that they have encountered (regardless whether they have uses these methods themselves or not).

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