I. General provisions

§ 1

Whenever these Regulations refer to:

  1. Participant – an individual, company or institution who has completed the registration form and paid the Registration fee accordingly,
  2. Registration fee – a mandatory fee charged to the Participant,
  3. Event, Conference – 19th annual Social Simulation Conference (SSC 2024) organized at UEK from 16th to 20th September 2024,
  4. UEK, Organizer – the organizer of the Event: Cracow University of Economics, ul. Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków, Poland, NIP: 675 000 63 46, REGON: 000001519.


§ 2

  1. These Regulations set forth the rules of participation in the Event and the rules for payment by means of payment instruments in connection with the Event.
  2. The provisions of these regulations are an integral part of the application for participation in the Conference. Submitting of the registration form means simultaneous acceptance of the provisions of the Regulations.


II. Rules of participation in the Event

§ 3

  1. Participation in the Event is subject to payment.
  2. The registration fee charged to Participants is listed on the Event website:
  3. Participant registration is done by completing the registration form indicated on the website. Submitting the registration form implies acceptance of these Regulations.
  4. The Cracow University of Economics is a controller of personal data in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/we (General Data Protection Regulation) of April 27, 2016. (Official Journal of the EU L 2016, No. 119, hereinafter RODO). Provision of personal data is voluntary, and the submitter has the right to inspect the data, as well as the ability to modify (rectify) it, as well as the right to request deletion or restriction of processing and the right to object to processing – in the cases and under the terms of the RODO regulations. The data subject also has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.


III. Payment of fees

§ 4

  1. The Participant shall cover the cost of travel to the Conference venue and the cost of accommodation associated with participation in the Conference on their own.
  2. The registration fee should be paid through the electronic payment system: przelewy24, available on the Organizer’s website or to the Organizer’s account:
    PL 19 2490 0005 0000 4600 4637 5105, SWIFT: ALBPPLPW.
  1. The registration fee is not refundable, as a rule.
  2. If the Participant cannot attend the Conference in person, the Organizer allows online participation. In this case, the Registration fee shall not be reduced.
  3. The Participant or the delegating company/institution/authority shall be responsible for covering damage and other costs caused by the Participant not covered by the price and not paid by the end of the Event. In case of non-payment by the Participant, the UEK will issue an invoice and send it to the address indicated during online registration. The Participant or the delegating company/institution/authority is obliged to pay the amounts due by the date indicated on the invoice.

IV. Complaints

§ 5

  1. Any complaints by Participants against the UEK should be submitted in writing to the Organizer’s address, otherwise being null and avoid.
  2. Complaints of Participants may be filed no later than within 7 days of the end of the Event. Any complaints submitted after this deadline will not be considered.
  3. UEK will consider the submitted complaints within one month of their receipt.


V. Final provisions

§ 6

  1. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the Conference program as determined by the Organizer without any obligation to compensate or indemnify any person and without any obligation to refund part or all of the Registration fee.
  2. The Organizer shall have the right to document the course of the Event and use the recorded or captured materials in electronic media, press, brochures, leaflets, etc., and the participation in the Conference implies consent to the indicated activities, including the use of the Participant’s image.
  3. The Regulations are available on the website:
  4. Any disputes that may arise from the participation of Participants in the Event will be settled by a court with jurisdiction over the Organizer’s registered office.
  5. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the relevant provisions of the Polish Civil Code shall apply.
  6. The Regulations shall come into force on the date of publication.
  7. The operator of the payment cards is: PayPro S.A., ul. Pastelowa 8, 60-198 Poznań, Poland, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000347935, NIP 7792369887, Regon 301345068.

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